For this project, I had to design a new product brochure for Venus Concept’s Venus Fiore™ device. The device’s purpose is to improve feminine health and though the only target for actual use is women, the company wanted a brochure with more of a corporate look as opposed to a feminine look to entice medical professionals.

Venus Heal Digital Brochure Redesign
I redesigned this digital brochure for a design test given to me by Venus Concept when I applied for my position. My instructions were to keep all of the text and images, fix all typos, and redesign the brochure in a way that shows my style and better represents the Venus Heal device.
Venus Bliss Product Brochure
For this project I was to design a short product brochure for the company’s new device, Venus Bliss, that would match the new branding created by my colleague. The most difficult part of this project was choosing & photoshopping the cover image, because the model’s outfit choice got a good bit of backlash post-production.

Flawed & Fit Training Guide
I was hired by a freelance client to design this 15-page, 4-week digital training guide. Each exercise needed to include a description, an image of how it should look, and a link to a video demonstration. In addition to this fitness guide, I already created the client’s logo and helped define the brand identity.

I created these MBA Program brochures while working for the Darla Moore School of Business. These projects were really fun for me because I enjoy taking an excessive amount of text and making it work in a design where it doesn’t look too busy. I also enjoyed finding a way to implement all of the university’s branded colors into one design.

CEO Summit Program
This project was my first of this size while working for the Darla Moore School of Business. I not only designed the layout, but also created the logo and artwork for the front of the program. Fitting all of the text without the design looking busy was definitely a challenge, but I used a few different methods to break up the text and make it easier on the eye.

Research Centers ReDESIGN Project
I was given the opportunity to create a new look for the research centers at the University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business while working for the school. I designed multiple options to choose from. In the end, the design which best fit overall school branding was chosen, and I created a bifold template and a trifold template, seen below.